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Virtual classes are intuitively guided according to the most current lunar themes, and may include a combination of meditation, stretching, gentle movement, body scans, and personal reflection. Bring all the cozies! Blankets, pillows, sweatpants (or pjs!), hot tea... Leave class feeling grounded & replenished

Join Amanda for a delicious restorative yoga practice on the new & full moon of every month.

Upcoming Virtual CLASSES

Gentle Movement, Stretching, & Body Scan for the New Moon in Gemini

MAY 31st| 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM cST

New moons offer a potent time to rest, go inward, and set intentions for the next lunar cycle.


Yin Yoga for the Full Moon in Scorpio

MAY 15th | 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM CST

Full moons tend to amplify energy, which can result in an ungrounded nervous system.


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